You can only do this with a rear mounted gun.Ħ/ Forget trying to break a ship apart with a keel shot. Always put your own submarine deck gun to the REAR front mounted guns cannot be depressed to waterline level under 200 yards from target, at it is handy indeed to surface quickly to fire a few quick rounds at a pursueing escort vessel, before diving again. Beware the Medium European Composite Freighter! Bow mounted merchant guns can be handled by criss-crossing behind the ship you are targeting. To this end, the escort should be aware of your presense so that it can move towards your sub to allow this shot to be attempted.ĥ/ do not surface for a gun duel unless your target is no bigger than a gunboat. Never fire long range shots unless the target is not moving or you are truly desperate.Ĥ/ The best way to rid yourself of escort surface vessels is "down the throat". Always set your torpedos to fire straight and true from the tubes, and estimate the distance required to lead your target by eye alone. Never use the magnetic version.ģ/ Never use the target computer. The best way to kill ships of any kind is IN PORT, torpedoing stationary targets is easier.Ģ/ ALWAYS USE CONTACT DETONATORS. If you are good enough, you can take your sub from Pearl Harbour to VJ day by following a few simple rules of the thumb.ġ/ You exist to kill MERCHANT VESSELS.Warships should be considered secondary targets. You can and should play 100% realism, with only 500 renown to start off with. SH 4 is a superior product once all the bugs have been ironed out.

My idea of Siilent Hunter is version 4.with a mod from the website(v1.3).